Where Silver is an adorable cat !

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Potty Training

Hey Guys,

Mom wants to try and potty train me! What do you guys think? will it work or NOT? I am about 7 years old now and maybe pushing 8. Which really makes me in my 40s in cat years. Can you teach an old cat to use a potty instead of the litter box? Well stay tuned, mom has just bought the training kit from Groupon and it will be here in 2 weeks or so. Mom also just stocked up on 3 months of kitty litter. So i'm guessing we will use all that litter 1st?

Do any of you guys use the potty and not a litter box? I think mom needs to go to bed earlier so she can dream about this? Reality is harsh, I don't think it's going to happen. Please share your experience with me if you went on this potty training adventure, and let me know if it was an epic fail or epic win! either way, i love hearing from you guys!

Silver Meow 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday Toes

Hey Guys,

It's Silver Toes time~

kitty toes
Talk to the toes, because i'm sleeping...
Check my furiends out over at Tabby Cat Club~
Silver Meow

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bad Kitty Example

Hey Guys,

This is what happens when mom leaves a bag on the floor. I call it BAD human example, but instead the human calls this post "Bad Kitty Example". I think this works both ways mom! how do you expect me NOT to play with the bag, I mean seriously!

kitty trap
Please set me free, I'm innocent! The bag made me play with it!
The human set me free after the photo was taken, no humans were hurt in the process~

Happy Sunday, be careful of the bags my kitty furends. It's a kitty trap!
Silver Meow

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cat Tunnel Fun

Hey Guys,

This is how I spend my Caturday! Cat Tunnel Fun Time! I love this thing, the human can finally leave me alone. I'll stay here all day/night if I have to, as long as you don't bug me humans!

Cat Tunnel Time
I got it mom! but I will NOT come out!

Cat Tunnel Layout
I'm going to lay here all night long!

Cat Tunnel Takeover
Yup! My face is where it needs to be~

Friday, January 24, 2014

Discover Cat Island

Hey guys,

Today I have discovered Cat Island, I would have called it Island of Cat but as you know what was already taken. I can also be called Island Cat, Cat of the Island or Kitty Island~
Cat Island
Such a safe Island, I think I might... Zzz...
island cat
Carpet is water, you should be drowning mom!
Silver Meow

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Today's Weather Report

Today's weather report is brought to you by - Silver Meow

Hey Guys~ It's COLD so put on your scarfs!

scarf kitty
I'm ready! are you?

Silver Meow

Monday, January 20, 2014

Bed Acceptance

Hey guys,

okay... I have finally accepted this as my bed, I normally just sleep EVERYWHERE, but since mommy insist that I sleep here and not on the stairs I will consider sleeping here for a while.

half sleep kitty
What you looking at?

Silver Meow

Friday, January 17, 2014

Taking over

Hey guys!
Mommy is getting better, I took over her pajama pants. Everything is still good. 

Silver Meow

Monday, January 13, 2014

Close Up Silver

Hey Guys,

It's Silver Close Up time again.  Look at my BIG eyes!

On another note, the human is under the weather again, excuses, excuses... I don't think she sleeping enough, in my opinion you need at least 20 hours! She has it pretty bad this time tho, we haven't posted for days! How will I connect with my kitty friends? I miss you all~

kitty close up
I'm watching mom... quietly~
Silver Meow

Friday, January 10, 2014

Contains something awesome

Hey Guys,

I'm checking the box.
Yup! Totally Contains Awesome!
Silver Meow

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Kitty Clearing Things Up

Hey Guys,

For the year of 2014, I just wanted to clear things up a bit. I know I'm "handsome" and I wear a gray tux and all. I also rock some awesome bow ties.

But I'm actually a girl kitty. Hehe...
gold bow kitty
I heart bow ties~
Silver Meow

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Stay warm with Silver

Hey Guys,

It's going to be really cold! Put on your snow gear! It's like I got 3 heads or something. (starts licking ear muffs)
ear muffins kitty
i can't hear you... lalala....
Stay Warm!

Silver Meow

Monday, January 6, 2014

Working on my New Years Resolution

Hey guys,

Remember to start on those resolutions. I'm working on mine now!

Yoga Resolution
Yoga Resolution

Silver Meow

Saturday, January 4, 2014

King Kitty Grandpa

Hey guys,

Sorry for not posting, the mom was busy with the new years eve/grandpa's 60th birthday and then there was snow, just all these excuses!

I LOVE the grandpa tho, so below is my impression of grandpa on his big day! He is the one that mainly feeds me in the morning. Breakfast is a very important meal for a kitty, so is dinner, so is snack timer and don't forget nap time.

king kitty

Happy New Year Everyone!

Silver Meow