Where Silver is an adorable cat !

Friday, June 28, 2013

Mommys back!

So my human had to go on a business trip and finally got back. She schedule some post for the days she was gone and guess what happens? It didn't get posted! You ask why? Because she hit saved and forgot to hit publish! Can't watch them less for 1 sec... Just like the saying, if you want anything done right, you gotta do it CATself!

I do feel a little bad for her tho, the poor thing had a 5 hour delay or justice has been served!

innocent kitty
no! i did not laugh, when mommy had a 5 hour delay at the airport....(smiles)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Wakie Wakie~

Wake up kitty
Yes? Mommy? It's only Monday... 5 more mins, I mean 5 more hours...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Apple Mac Pro

i don't know what is the fuss about this apple thing, but i like bananas a lot! according to mom, her apple mac laptop thingy is very old, even older than me! and i'm 6 years old now! Since, apple didn't put out a new laptop, mommy is very disappointed. mom will now have to use a old browser, which will not let her watch hulu and leave comments on other fellow furry friends blogs...

But see this made mommy smile:
Mac Pro Kitty
u know it!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Silver's got mail!

Super Excited for Silver's 1st package EVER!!

cat mail
What! I've got mail?

testing cat mail
Is it Foodz? or Cat Nip?

kitty letter
OMG! it's Samantha from *New* Tuxedo Gang Hideout!!

kitty toys
I'm so excited!!

kitty toys joy
And there's Samantha~

Thank You Samantha! You are such a sweetie!!

Sh...! mommy is working on a thank you gift! stay tuned!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Silver Too!

I think it's time to shred that winter coat or we have adopted a new kitty, and it shall be named - Silver Too ^^. Silver seems to be curious about Silver Too!
Silver too took my collar~

Also, June is Adopt a Cat Month! You should adopt, don't shop! and save a kitty's life~

Monday, June 10, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013